Iago with Roberto Patella self-portrait sculpture ⎮Milan, Italy

Upside down Idaho ⎮ From the works in series entitled "Out West"

Puglia ⎮ From the solo exhibition entitled "Gli Uni e Gli Altri"

1º Studio

Untitled ⎮ From the forthcoming exhibition "Psychonauts"

Topppra ⎮ New York City

Untitled ⎮ Hierve de Agua, Mexico

Emmanuelle ⎮ Milan, Italy

Puglia ⎮ From the solo exhibition entitled "Gli Uni e Gli Altri"

Self Portrait ⎮ From the exhibition "The Infinite Landscape of Fragmented Thoughts

Kassandra ⎮ From the works in series entitled "The Volatility of Being"

François Berthoud in his studio ⎮ Milan, Italy ⎮ V Magazine

The Collector Magazine ⎮ Milan, Italy

Untitled ⎮ From the works in series "Mexico"

A photograph of a photo from the Works in Series and Exhibition "Gli Uni e Gli Altri"

Mitya ⎮ From the exhibition "The Infinite Landscape of Fragmented Thoughts"